Over 2,700 delegates, 3 full days of learning, 1 significant event that can be considered as a giant leap forward in the development of the public sector. This is what transpired at the PICC last July 24-26, 2019 during this year’s Public Sector HR Symposium by the Civil Service Commission. The main drive for 2019’s CSC symposium was directed to highlight various global trends and best practices that would achieve People-Centered, clean, efficient and effective governance. This is a part of The CSC’s effort to intensify the overall drive of Public Service Values as well as to promote a culture of innovation and productivity within the public sector’s HR community.
The CSC invited various Learning and Development Institutions as Exhibitors in the Symposium. This not only opened up an avenue of communication for new learning methods and techniques be cascaded, this also served as a platform to highlight the crucial role that government leaders and HR practitioners have in the development of public sector organizations. TrainStation, Inc. had the honor to be selected as one of the exhibitors for this event.

President and CEO of TrainStation, Inc., Carelle Mangaliag-Herrera facilitated one of the concurrent sessions on the 2nd day that were opened for the delegates. Her session titled “Engage the Brain” explored how NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming) and various aspects of Neuroscience can be utilized in the context of HR. It was one of the first sessions to be full, reaching maximum capacity in less than 3 hours of the opening of registration.

She also facilitated the integration plenary on the Symposium’s last day to sum up the whole experience of the past 3 days. At the end of the session, people were jumping, clapping and dancing.
The intensity of their passion to serve can be felt a mile away! And as the delegates go back to serve the Philippines through the varies government departments they belong, one can only sit at the edge of their seats in anticipation at the change that will ripple from this symposium.